Sunday, March 23, 2014

What my bones said to me

My bones want to rip from my body. They want to run away with my soul.

I think my bones and my soul are having an affair. They cheat on my heart and my brain. Behind my back they plot to break free of my skin.

My bones want to break, they are sick of my heart getting all the attention. Everyone says that the heart is where you feel and it's true. But the soul is where I suffer.

My soul is where I endure, is where I perceive. My soul no longer has connection to my heart.

Damn it. I feel it every day. I feel my bones trying to move me. I hear my soul screaming. Some how when I finally notice them they are too far away. Please take me with you. Please.

I don't know what to do anymore.  I'm so lost. So lost.......

So to my bones and my soul, I want you to take over, because I don't feel anymore.



  1. "My soul is where I endure, is where I perceive."

    Great line.

  2. The second paragraph. I don't know how you come up with this stuff. Damn. Brilliant.

  3. Bones and soul having an affair. Smart. Great concept.
