Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Questions you must answer.

Comment on this. Cause I want answers.

1. Do you guys daydream as much as me?

2. Do you love yourself?

3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

4. Do you love to write overly emotional posts?

5. Will you ever nominate me for top 5?

6. What is you favorite color?

7. How are things at home? (If they suck be strong. I know it's hard but you are strong and you can get through anything)

8. Do you think you are a good writer?

9. Do you want to rant? If yes then rant to me.

10. Do you want me to reply to your comment?

Comment, you have to I can see how many views this gets. You have to honest, okay? Please promise me you'll be honest.

Love Sage


  1. 1. yes right now actually
    2. I try really hard
    3. no
    4. yeah that is like all I write about
    5. Yeah I would
    6. maroon
    7. funny you ask that because a lot has happened recently that I can't control
    8. I just rant about stuff I don't know if I should consider that good
    9. just read my blog theirs a nice rant for ya
    10.that would be cool if you did

    1. I'm replying on my phone so sorry for any mistakes. Daydreaming is the best first off. I know it is so hard to love yourself but it is so important to. Boyfriends/girlfriends can be over rated. Ok over emotional posts are the best, the most real. They , in my opinion, when you are mostly yourself. I'm really sorry about your family stuff. Family issues are the worst you should write about it, hey your feelings about it out. I haven't read much of your blogbut I think you're pretty good do far. :) You are a beautiful human being. :)

    2. Oh and by the way, not to be creepy if you want to talk about anything you could email me.

  2. ! I have no clue.
    @ Of course.
    # Undecided.
    $ Mainly
    % I have no clue ( first post I have read )
    ^ I can not tell you ( this is the truth )
    & Parents are threatening to throw me out every argument we have
    * No I do not.
    ( People cant hold in the words that thought would be safe in their heads.
    ) Please do I mostly want you to say that I am a good writer. So read my blog.

    1. If you daydream a lot then yes. That is awesome, you are awesome. Emotional posts rock and if by undecided means you like someone and they like you back then go for it, it's high school! Well read more then tell me what you think, honestly. I hope your parents don't kick you out, if they do stay with a awesome friend until things cool down, I'm sorry. You are an awesome writer you are one of my favorite blogs! You're awesome.

    2. Thank you.

      I didn't mean that when I said undecided...

      ps this interaction is real fun!

    3. You're welcome, what did you mean?

      Ya I'm really enjoying this. :)

    4. I don't know why but I think it is time to email you...

    5. canyouseeme011@gmail.com please do.

    6. Crappy sauce if email you you'll know who I am.

    7. Is your email super obvious?

    8. Agreed. I have come to a decision.

    9. Hey! I am on your " My Blogs List ".

      Awesome sauce.

      ps please change your comment verification settings.

    10. Oh I forgot to change that, thanks for letting me know! What is your decision? Ya you've always been one of my favorite blogs!

    11. Hey I am down right now. I know your probably asleep right now. I don't know what to write yet I have a need to write.

      Side thought. I really think that the next person to read this post will be thrown into so many different conversation that they will not know what to do. I hope the answer your questions.

    12. I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier.

    13. Tis fine I wrote. I didnt realize it but the title of my post is here.

  3. 1. YES, all the time
    2. Um, it depends on the day. Most of the time, yes, but sometimes... I struggle.
    3. No
    4. Not particularly, I just like to write what makes me feel creative and unique.
    5. Probably not, but I don't ever nominate anyone. I don't feel like I have that right.
    6. Any shade of blue
    7. I don't love coming home. In fact I really don't like coming home.
    8. Yes when I'm writing truth. When I try to force myself to write, I usually throw it away.
    9. Not at the moment
    10. Go ahead and reply if you want, but I won't be offended if you don't.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Good, keep daydreaming. The struggle is real, but you are an awesome writer I'm sure you're an awesome person. :) blue is the best color ever so good job, I like you. I know what you mean about not loving going home, it depends on the day for me but I hope it gets better for you. STOP THROWING IT AWAY!!!!!!!!! You're cool thanks for the comment.

  4. 1. Most definitely. I have a short attention span.
    2. Yeah. I think I'm a pretty fantastic person. I apologize for any narcissism.
    3. HA I don't have time in my life.
    4. I write my emotions. It's cathartic.
    5. Well, I don't really nominate, but maybe if you write something that really moves me.
    6. Gold
    7. Pretty good. I'm definitely lucky.
    8. I tend to think so. Again, apologies for any narcissism.
    9. Not right now. If you had asked me, like, 8 hours ago, though, the answer would have been a yes definitely.
    10. If you want to. I won't be offended if you don't.

    1. I just realized my last answer was really similar to that of Midnight Mirage. Totally unintentional, actually. How serendipitous.

  5. You are a fantastic person! At least I love your writing, so you must be priddy good... ya I just made a punn... why don't you have any time? Emotions are awesome. No apologies, it's good to know you are good at what you enjoy. That's alright that you don't but if you do tho, I love rants if you haven't noticed. Thanks for the commenT I love your blog!

    1. Haha thanks. And puns are under appreciated. I just get distracted by school, extra-curriculars, trying to handle my friend's constant emotional breakdowns, etcetera. Boys are too time consuming. And thank you. You are a beautiful person. You're really very kind and that's an extremely underrated value.

    2. You're welcome. :P Yes they really are haha, they're fun. That does sound like a ton to deal with but that's okay. Thank you so much that's very nice of you too say. :)

  6. 1. Always and forever.
    2. No.
    3. Sometimes I wish I did, and other times I'm glad I don't.
    4. I only try to keep the emotion as perfectly real as possible.
    5. The top 5 is over rated, so no. Sorry nelson #sorrynotsorry.
    6. Blue.
    7. I only use my home to sleep, so, good, because I like sleeping, otherwise, I'm not home, so I don't know.
    8. I think I'm a good thinker.
    9. I'm fine, not really in the mood. By you can look at my blog if you want a taste.
    10. Yeah that'd be nice :)

  7. Sorry I fell asleep last night without seeing your comment. I hope that you do eventually love yourself, I don't know you personally but I know your blog. I know I've also written this to many other people but I do really admire your blog you are an amazing writer and so many other people love your writing also so I hope you fall in love soon like so many others have. #neverbesorry. Blue is the best color ever! That's good sleep is nice. I believe that, you are a good writer so you must be a good thinker. Anywho as I said you're an incredible writer so just keep doing what you're doing! Oh and you also have really good taste in music. :)

    1. Wow! This was so nice :) thanks for your words!

    2. Haha no problem. :) Thank you for your comments. :)
